Kena is a program designed by EYEA to understand, support and empower young entrepreneurs in their entrepreneurship journey. Kena aspires to capacitate young entrepreneurs on the required skills and make their business ideas/products ready for financing. Kena will address the existing entrepreneurship challenges in the academic context which has little to no contribution in preparing the young entrepreneurs to prepare the youth and realize their vision. To achieve this there is a need to prepare
contextualized training, coaching and mentoring programs. The overall aim of Kena is prepare potential entrepreneurs’ business ideas investment ready and provide networking opportunities for accessing finance and related exposure at Zelela monthly policy advocacy and networking platform.
Objective of Kena
– The program objective is to provide service packages that enhance trusts between entrepreneurs and financial institutions the “Trust- Startup (IDEs) Incubation & Acceleration Program”- (TSIAP) and to promote them to the Zelela platform.
Target of Kena
– Young entrepreneurs from different areas like university students and others aged 18-35.
– The priority sectors are Agriculture, Health, Tourism, Manufacturing, Education and ICT.
Components of Kena
– To enable EYEA’s early-stage entrepreneurs (often innovation driven) or Startups members to develop their ideas to come up with a fundable or loanable minimum viable product or service.
Create a platform that diversified access to finance products for the startups Incubation and acceleration services packages that promote trust through capability, connectedness and reputation of corporates.